Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Michael Martin
Michael Martin
Benny Hannah
Ron Dains
Scott Martin
Donald F. Potter, Jr.
Will Sheffield Mooty
Jim Griffith
Jay Maples (Chancellor non-voting)
Bill Carter (Recording Secretary - non-voting)
National Trustee
Jim Griffith
Tennessee Valley Chapter
Alternate National Trustee
Michael Martin
Cahaba-Coosa Chapter
The Trustee and Alternate are elected and installed at the National Congress each year and serve until the next Congress
2023-2024 James K. Griffith, Jr.
2022-2023 William E. Daniel, Jr.
2021-2022 William A. Kirkland II
2020-2021 David M. Jones
2019-2020 Edmon H. McKinley
2018-2019 Robert L. Anderson, Jr.
2017-2018 Harold E. Thornton
2016-2017 J. Fred Olive III
2015-2016 William O. Stone
2013-2014 Marvin Keron Vickers
2012-2013 Curtis Wilson Posey, Jr.
2011-2012 Dr. C. David Billings
2010-2011 Charles Bruce Pickette
2009-2010 Rev John Killian
2008-2009 James Wardlaw
2007-2008 James Alexander
2006-2007 Larry Patrick Cornwell
2005-2006 James H Maples
2004-2005 Price Lovell Legg
2003-2004 James Kerry Barksdale
2002-2003 John Riley Wallace
2001-2002 Michael Charles Wells
2000-2001 Phil Rodney Hildreth
1999-2000 Hoyt Michael Smith
1998-1999 William Alexander Segraves
1997-1998 Wylie Pierson Johnson
1996-1997 Maj O Lee Swart
1995-1996 Henry Newton McCarl
1994-1995 Rev Henry William Tuttle
1993-1994 Thomas Wesley Richardson
1992-1993 William Alfred Israel
1991-1992 Samuel Gayden Latture
1990-1991 William Claude Pittman, Jr.
1989-1990 Malcolm James Babb, Sr.
1988-1989 Robert Martin Cheney
1987-1988 Charles Estell Baker
1986-1987 Alan G Raffalovich
1985-1986 Horace Richard Jordan
1984-1985 Maj Gen George B. Pickett, Jr.
1983-1984 Cornelius A. Shepherd, Jr.
1982-1983 Francis Milton Creighton
1980-1982 David Pierce Mason
1978-1980 James Glover Charles
1976-1978 John Lorraine McConnell
1974-1976 Marvin Lee Harper
1972-1974 Austin Lewis Venable
1970-1972 James Hollis Chenery
1968-1970 ADM Lee Edmundson Bains
1966-1968 Ralph Roger Williams
1964-1966 John Caius Tyson, Jr.
1963-1964 Ryall Stapleton Morgan
1962-1963 Dr. Wade H. Coleman, Jr.
1961-1962 Judge Robert Simpson
1960-1961 Brig Gen James H. Strother
1959-1960 Henry Poelnitz Johnston
1958-1959 Charles Grayson Summerall
1957-1958 Francis Josephus Mizell, Jr.
1956-1957 Robert P. Gordon
1955-1956 Dr. Zebulon Judd
1954-1955 James Oscar Horton, Jr.
1953-1954 William T. Carpenter, Sr.
1952-1953 Robert Carlton Garrison, Sr.
1951-1952 William Frederick Franke, Sr.
1950-1951 George Jacob Davis, Jr.
1949-1950 John Tipton Bradford
1947-1948 Peter Alexander Brannon
1940-1946 File Crenshaw
1931-1934 William Shirley Peebles, Jr.
1930-1931 Gilbert Greenway White
1927-1929 Harold William King
1925-1926 Cadwallander Jones
1923-1924 Arthur Campbell Crowder, Sr.
1908-1917 William Frye Tebbetts
1903-1907 Maj Gen Julian Wythe Whiting
1894-1902 James Edward Webb
1889-1893 Capt Joseph Forney Johnston
The Minuteman Award is the highest award presented to a member by the National Society. It is presented for distinguished service rendered to the SAR on the national level. Members are selected by the Minuteman Committee which is appointed by the President General from previous recipients of the medal. The medal is presented by the President General at an Annual Congress. It is not presented in absentia. It was authorized in 1952 and beginning in 1968 the medal is not awarded to more than six recipients per year.
The following is a list of those Alabama Society Compatriots who have received the Minuteman Award:
2022 - J. Fred Olive III*
2021 - James H. Maples
2019 - William O. Stone
2018 - C. David Billings
2017 - C. Bruce Pickette
2013 - Michael C. Wells*
2012 - Larry P. Cornwell
2008 - John R. Wallace
2003 - P. Rod Hildreth
2001 - O. Lee Swart*
1995 - Horace R. Jordan
1984 - John L. McConnell*
1968 - Ryall S. Morgan*
1959 - Robert P. Gordon*
1955 - William T. Carpenter*
1953 - Robert H. Smith*
* deceased
SAR Minuteman Award
The medal is rectangular in shape, struck in sterling silver. It depicts a Minuteman holding a rifle with a plow in the background. The Liberty Bell appears on it also. On the reverse is inscribed “Highest Award of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution. Presented to (Name, National Number, Year).” The medal is worn suspended from a neck ribbon of light blue silk. It is awarded only to individual members on a one-time basis.
Alabama Society SAR