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The ALSSAR Color Guard is made up of those Compatriots who come to SAR meetings and events properly uniformed as either Continental Soldiers or Militiamen, or attired as Revolution-era clergymen.
These men seek to visibly promote the stated objectives of the SAR which are declared to be Historical, Patriotic and Educational. Therefore, it is important that a Revolutionary War uniformed Color Guard fielded by the ALSSAR to be historically correct so as to not compromise these objectives.
Every time an ALSSAR Color Guard makes a public appearance, the members are fulfilling all three objectives. In fact, the Color Guard is one of the most effective public relations tools available to the ALSSAR.
For more information about the ALSSAR Color Guard contact:
Joseph D. Barker, Jr.
ALSSAR Color Guard Commander
Download the Excel spreadsheet below to keep up with your Color Guard Points
Master Color Guard Points v1 (xlsx)
DownloadJoe Barker
Alabama Society SAR